Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ok so

Alrighty... im really trying to get on this regular posting thing and Im really working hard at it. Today I think is gonna be a long one.
First I will talk about what happened today in my Groups and Families class. A group made a presentation about a group they created, it was a support group for teen mothers. All the class members where given a character to play in the role play and it was scripted. I was assigned the role of a 17 year old mother of her second child. I was to respond to the character our professor was playing when she asked a question.

Here is what my script said:

"Please respond when Dr. ---- asks her question with the following statement:
- I do too. It happened when I had my son, it's no big deal"

So keep in mind I have absolutely NO CLUE what I am responding to but simply that I have to respond to that. So, finally Dr. ---- is up and Im ready with my answer and I hear this come out of he:
" I have hemorrhoids and-"
I immediately cut her off with:
"OH MY GOD, what! I hate you guys"

So not only was I slutty mcgee of the class but I had hemorrhoids..... AWESOME. It took me 15 minutes to stop laughing before I could say my one brief line. I know they assigned that to me on purpose... aholes.

ok... so on to part 2.. 1st is a video from last weekends SNL that made me cry I laughed so hard... maybe because Im lame but Im sure its because it was funny (keep in mind i SUCK at html and Im just copying and pasting and hoping for the best):


Monday, March 16, 2009

Nashville airport blog

So here I sit in the nasvhille international? Airport and they have all these country stars making annoncements and shit.... One of which is that Nashville is the Athens of the south. Now I get it you mean the Greek Athens.... You guys have a few art museums.... fine. But there is an Athens, georgia soooooo I say fail.

Ps thanksnto whoever is follwing me besides becky I have 2 whole followers.... Holy crap. Now let me find of who it is!

Friday, March 6, 2009

So here I sit

At field aka internship. Its early as shit. I saw the watchmen premier last night at midnight... AWESOME! I saw more blue penii in that movie than i hope to ever see in my life. But it was a great movie indeed. As a result, however, I only got about 3 hours of sleep. Which blows because I have work immediately after this. So, I come in and the women in the cubicle next to me asks how I am and I say tired... she says "yeah you look tired." Why do people say that! I mean, I know this whole thing has been discussed numerous times but seriously. In my opinion tired is just another way of saying like shit. Think about it, what are the symptoms of tired? Slow, frumpy, frazzled, not put together.... like shit.
Whatever, i dont care.

BUT! Not even a man falling crossing 50 on his bike and running into a snow mound then immediately falling face first (and back tire in the air) will make this day brighter!!! I just thought it was sad. Boy I cant wait to sleep. But I do get to work with one of my favorite people tonight so hopefully it wont be TOOOO bad.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ouch Charlie... that really hurt! (imagine british accent)

So this has nothing to do with that adorable video BUT it does have to do with charlie..... horses. Im working at the shelter last night doing my overnight. Im exhausted from a long day so it shouldnt be a problem to get to sleep. I pass out and wake up at 245 and am sweating profusely(?). I hop off the bed which is about 3 feet off the ground (just a tad bit too high). I go and I turn the space heater on and then casually try to hop back on the bed. HOLY SHIT! I pushed off with my left leg and got a charlie horse. Each charlie horse I get is the worst one ever... this fucking SUCKED. It hurt so bad. I was rubbing it and I could feel the knot in my leg it was awful. THe pain was just about to stop when i laid down and slightly elevated my leg and BAM it hit me again. More agonizing pain! It was hell on the bed I swear. I finally make it back to sleep only to wake up with a limp and tremendous pain my my left calf...

So, I say: Fuck science. This is just to damn painful to not be deliberate. Im actually a little worried that God is doing this because Im not a believer. BUt, he/she/it/they are so wrong! I believe there is a God, absolutely. Im just not really into that whole organized religion thing. So I beg you God, see the good in me and spare me from more pain. That Charlie horse was just on top of the pile of shittyness that has been my life lately. I ask you karma... please stop collecting and start working for me! PLEASE... no more Charlie horses.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What does Dr even mean anymore?

So, the way I see it is, if you are a college professor you should be able to speak properly... ESSPECIALLY if you are a Dr. I should never have better grammar than you and constantly correct you in my head when you speak. I understand you have all this experiance or whatever. But, I find it hard to take you seriously when you create words like acultration... you missed a letter which is an entire syllable ... WHAT THE HELL!?

Monday, February 2, 2009


The comeback of my fav.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Please, for the love of god, will someone save me form Tyra Banks. There is an ANTM marathon on Bravo right now and that means that it has officially played on every channel EVER! CW, My20 or whatever, MTV, VH1, Oxygen, AND Bravo. Please, someone, end my suffering.

Tyler Perry continued. . .

I would like to thank my roommates for directing me to this video... apparently I am not the only one who feels this way about Tyler Perry:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tyler Perry

So, this may be blasphemous because Im half black or something but I dont know that I like Tyler Perry. His show house of payne (is that right?) had a quite homophobic episode... also he's really concided. All of his movies are "Tyler Perry's...."
"Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail"
"Tyler Perry's Madea's Family Reunion"
"Tyler Perry's Madea is my excuse to dress in drag and still pretend I'm Straight"

And on that note let me go add "Tyler Perry's The Family that Preys" to my netflix.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fuck grad school

What the fuck, man!? I was in my first tuesday of this semester... and apparently there was all this shit I was supposed to do already. Before classes start?!? what the fuck, man?!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dear SAG

So the Screen Actors Guild Awards were on last night, which I missed because I was at work which last night happened to including being told to "mind your fucking business" and had to call the state trooper.

Anywho, I would like to applaud you on getting a few things right like the obvious pick: Heath Ledger as best supporting actor.
But I would also like to thank you for doing the right thing when the Golden Globes didn't: Best Lead Actor- Sean Penn (in Milk) and Best Lead Actress- Meryl Streep (in Doubt).

Kid Rock

I dont get you. Or Nickleback. Please let me know when you guys will come out with actual new songs, not just new words.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


So... im sitting here at work and I signed on to myspace and saw a picture of RZA... blech. Im not a fan. And I have one reason and one reason alone. . . American Gangster. Ok so, according to IMDB and common sense, American Gangster takes place in the 70's... excuse me 1970's (some may confuse it with the 1670's). Anywho so RZA's character, Moses Jones (REALLY?) is theoretically a man in 1970 whatever. Ok, now according to Wikipedia Wu Tang Clan was formed in 1991 (which even if it's wrong it can't be by 20 years). So technically this Moses fellow was in the 1970s far before Wu Tang ever existed... so WHY ON EARTH did he have the infamous W tattoo on his arm in the movie... I mean REALLY? Its on his scrawny arm and relatively small. You cant cover that shit up? What could a W mean for a man named Moses ... is it for "women" so he could prove his heterosexuality. Im sure thats it.

Hayden Panatierre?

Hopefully my videos will upload. Its not working on facebook or youtube so Im hoping it will work here? I went to the inauguration and sat 1 person away from hayden panatierre but she didnt move like the entire time! I did however sneak a couple of videos of her. I pretended to shoot the crowds and snuck a little shot of her... however she is curled in a ball protecting herself from the cold. Some of you may not believe me, but isnt this quite a random thing to make up? You be the judge.

* I will add the other video once I get home from work where I have them on my computer. There were problems with it that I did not see until I got to work